Examine your Terms in your Pension Savings

We will be happy to help you check the conditions of your pension, provident and study funds.
The Ministry of Finance has created a mechanism called the “clearing house” where everyone has the option to produce a simple report which will list the amounts of your pension money, and your study funds and provident funds and in addition lists their management fee costs.
Here, at Segal Insurance & Finance, we will be happy to perform this checkup for you at no charge For this purpose, you can digitally sign (via SMS) a power of attorney form that will allow us to do the test for you.
From the moment of signing it takes several days until the data is collected from all the insurance companies and investment houses. If you are interested in having this test done for you, please contact us.
Segal Insurance and Finance guides clients through the insurance process with what we pride ourselves to deliver: incomparable expertise and personal care